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7 Daily Habits of the World's Most Content People

Written by Emilio Kim


Posted on May 10 2023

Have you ever felt envious of that one friend who always seems to have a positive outlook on life? You might be surprised to learn that happiness is actually easier to achieve than you think! Here are seven daily habits that happy people share:

  1. Start Your Day with Mindful Reflection Instead of immediately reaching for your phone and scrolling through social media, take a moment to reflect on your day. This practice is called mindfulness, and it can help you feel more grounded and optimistic. Try starting with a few deep breaths and then reflect on what you want to accomplish that day, recall a positive memory, and express gratitude for what you have.

  2. Appreciate the Little Things Life can be hectic, but taking the time to savor the small things can make a big difference. Whether it's your morning coffee or a walk outside, focus on enjoying the moment rather than rushing through it. Studies have shown that being mindful of small pleasures can increase overall life satisfaction.

  3. Move Your Body You've heard it before, but it bears repeating: exercise is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health. Even a short walk can boost your mood and reduce stress levels. If you're not a fan of traditional workouts, try a dance class or yoga.

  4. Practice Kindness Research has shown that selflessness is directly linked to living a longer, happier life. Helping others, even in small ways, can boost your mood and create a sense of fulfillment. Consider doing a five-minute favor for someone, like writing a positive review or sending a kind message.

  5. Change Your Perspective on Work Many people view work as a necessary evil, but research suggests that challenging and engaging environments can actually make us happier. Try setting clear goals for yourself and tracking your progress, and view your work as a game rather than a chore.

  6. Make Time for Connections Scheduling time with friends and family is just as important as scheduling work appointments. Spending time with loved ones can increase overall life satisfaction by up to 70 percent. Make plans with friends and family in advance, and commit to following through.

  7. Practice Resilience Resilience is the ability to bounce back from difficult situations, and it's a key factor in overall happiness. Try to find meaning in challenging situations, and focus on personal growth and maturity. Remember that difficult times are temporary and that you have the power to control your own mindset.